
Tuesday, July 11, 2023

100% Pure

Free of synthetic chemicals, artificial fragrances, chemical preservatives.
San Jose, California, United States

Three people founded 100% Pure: Susie Wang, Richard Kostick, and James Wang: 
  • Susie Wang: Founder and Chief Creative of 100% PURE. Wang was inspired by her garden and created 100% Pure Cosmetics to complement her healthy lifestyle.
  • Richard Kostick: Founder and CEO of Purity Cosmetics (100% PURE). Kostick read a Forbes article profiling Wang and an innovative patent she had created. He later met Susie's brother James Wang, and the three of them founded 100% PURE.
  • James Wang: Co-founder of 100% PURE.
Susie Wang; Founder and Chief Creative of 100% PURE

100% PURE operates out of Purity Park, an 8-acre, solar-powered facility in the heart of Silicon Valley - San Jose, California.